Member-only story
Magazine Writers: They Can’t Even Spell
So, I was on Snapchat this evening, reading random articles, when I found yet another typing error.
I wasn’t surprised anymore. I find them all the time on Snapchat; their articles are riddled with them. This includes professional articles you wouldn’t expect to have bad editors, like The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, Cosmopolitan, and more — I come across them daily, but I only started saving them tonight. Maybe I’ll make a series for it. Here are the ones I saved this evening:
Just to explain, people, “woman” is one woman and “women” is more than one woman. Just in case you didn’t get it.
Also, a comma is needed between “mom” and “she,” but of course they missed that, too.
Then, there’s this…
“Definetely”?? MTV writers don’t know how to spell definitely?! I’m seventeen, and I know how to spell “definitely”! Come on, people! Step up the game; this is pathetic!
I’m pretty sure they don’t make such terrible spelling errors on other platforms, but why does this exist anywhere? I mean, do they seriously not have editors? And if they do, they should be fired and replaced by people who actually know what they’re doing!
I blame Schmoop and SparkNotes; if people actually read books, the rate of these mistakes would definetely drop dramatically. (See what I did there?)