I have a confession, something that I’ve never told anybody and am still quite ashamed about: When I was little, my sister was sick with pneumonia for two weeks. I was so jealous of all the time she missed at school that I decided I wanted to get sick, too — so, when no one was looking, I took her cup and drank from it. I ended up getting the flu for five days and I learned the hard way that missing school isn’t worth it if you’re sick, because getting sick fucking sucks. I also realized — too late — that I was even stupider than I’d originally thought, because that fifth day of having the flu just happened to be my birthday.
God, I’m so stupid.
Anyway, I learned my lesson.
Today, I pulled my back and had to call in sick to work because I couldn’t move around. The whole day, I’ve been sitting on the couch, and can you believe that I actually wish I could show up? I don’t like missing a day’s pay and I feel so unproductive on the couch.
It’s a pretty weird feeling, considering that I voluntarily contracted the flu when I was nine.